What is Dreams Cape Investment?

Dreams Cape Investment team come strong in blockchain industry and IT engineers, we have you covered with the knowledge and skills of our team.

We got the lowest price on electricity and purchasing costs in the Cryptocurrency mining industry, especially in terms of electric energy.

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Earn free Bitcoin daily by reaching certain trading volumes and increasing your mining speed. Mine up to 0.0318 ฿ a day. Use our free mining feature in our app to make more profit!

Short FAQ

You must be either an individual over 18 years old or a company. While we’ll consider your application carefully, in some circumstances we may not be able to work with every prospective partner. Anyone may submit an application, but we do reserve the right to refuse membership to a site (or revoke a site’s membership) at any time if we feel that it contains objectionable material.

Conclusion of trade usually depends on the parties. This brings rise to the question; How soon did the buyer send payment, How soon did the seller send payment? If there is concentration from both parties, trade is usually as fast as possible as our team is always available to guide through the process.

We have made registration completely free to ease the process.

Support is available every 24 hours and emails is being replied to at most, every 2 hours.

If you have any querry for related investment... We are available


We operate long-term assets and businesses across the globe. This approach dictates both our investment strategy and our commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.

Dreams Cape InvestmentThe Assets Team

Given the importance of ESG factors in investment decisions, many investors have begun incorporating ESG data into their investment processes. For example, some investors use ESG scores to screen for companies that are more likely to be sustainable and responsible, while others use ESG data to evaluate the risks and opportunities associated with different companies and industries. There are also a growing number of investment products that are specifically designed to meet the needs of ESG-conscious investors, including funds that invest only in companies with strong ESG practices, or that seek to generate positive social and environmental impact as well as financial returns.

Our Investors Reviews

Excellent 4.3.

Great group of blessed souls helping people learn how to identify, invest and trade in crypto currencies in a fun and philosophical way.

Boris Hunt

Dreams Cape, has been the go to source for all of the information I have obtained about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I was in the dark about all of it and I owe all of my progress to this very informative site and their team.

David Jamisun

  • The Arcane Bear team knows what’s up! I appreciate the insight into trading, but always, keeping up the hodl!

    Nils Loewen

  • Dreams Cape, is my first Bitcoin experience. Started as your regular newbie first time BTC buyer - asking legacy traders what is a wallet and why I need to follow verification steps. Sold over 400+ Bitcoin to date and helped over 800 newbies like myself to dive in to this new currency.


  • I have super slow connectivity and this is a super patient seller. Thank you so much and I appreciate your help I look forward to working with you again!


  • Super easy to deal with...has his requirements...gives you the step-by-step instructions. Easy as pie.


  • Super easy to deal with...has his requirements...gives you the step-by-step instructions. Easy as pie.


  • I can attest to their excellent work when it comes to individualized client service, execution, and pricing.


  • Dreams Cape, has been a valuable way to reach high quality investments.


  • Dreams Cape, always has excellent customer service and they are a great source for getting top talent in the crypto & blockchain industry!


  • The team at Dreams cape, has been outstanding! i've been using this investment platform for over a year and have built an outstanding profit with their help and gracious customer service.



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